Saturday, February 11, 2012


So the weekend is here and I should be excited.  The hubby and the kids are home and I am surrounded by love and smiles.  Only thing is that I always feel awful on the weekends.  I don't know what it is; my guess is it is all the meds catching up with me.  These 2 days are the only days in the week that my body gets to take a break and start to repair the damage of the radiation.  I feel bad for Dennis and the kids, I do my best to keep a good face but I'm tired, itchy and just down right irritable.  They are sweet though and do give me some space to sleep and take care of myself.

Today was a little different.  For starters I woke up at 3:30 AM, I was WIDE AWAKE!  Errr, I hate not being able to sleep!  Shortly after I got up, the boy awoke demanding food. He must be growing again, because he wants to eat all the time and typically when it is inconvenient for the rest of 4 AM.  He had a roll or two and was the happiest little man awake.  He giggled and played in his high chair and just munched away.  It is hard to stay mad at Tball, he's got a smile could light up the world!  After he was done filling his belly and keeping me company, he was ready to sleep again.  Since I couldn't sleep I blogged....because thats a good use of time between 4-6AM!

Now my plan was to spend my morning with Budgie.  She's been having a rough week and I wanted to know that Mommy was here, sick but still her biggest fan.  She woke up early, which didn't matter because I still couldn't sleep.  We headed to her favorite spot, the Silver Diner at about 7:15 this morning.  Took her to her gym class and then off to the kid's store (that's what she calls it) for Saturday crafts.  I made it thru the Diner with no issues, but the other two activities I have to admit I was struggling.  By the time we made it home I crashed.

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